Well If Lisa Likes It....
10:53 pm - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2002

The majority of this morning was spent entranced by my book, which was all too good for a childrens' book, and eating corn pops. Gotta have my pops.

Actually, I never have my pops. We don't even have a good enough reltionship for them to be referred to as my pops.

My mother has always been quite adment against buying us cereal with more than 11 grams of sugar in it, and everyone knows that Pops have 14g.

I complained about this rule once. My dad tried the scare tactic much like those in school where they dole out piles of crisco as an example of just how much fat in in the Big Mac we eat. And the side of fries? Another large glop of crisco.

I've only found this exercise interesting once in the 6 years that I've seem it done, and that was last years health class when my (darling) teacher picked the big mac and fries worth of crisco and flung it at the wall with a "And that's what goes right to your ass"

My father didn't throw his example at the wall though. And he didn't use crisco. Instead he pulled out a bowl and showed me just how much 11 grams of sugar was.

This might be a good tatic when dealing with crisco, which isn't desireable to anyone to eat plain, but I was seven and a huge bowl of sugar was not a negative thing in my eyes. This in fact just reinforced the need in my mind for us to get the 14g sugar cereal.

So today, I had bowel after bowel of my 14 gram cereal. The reason we had such a "sugary bunch of junk" in the house: There were Simpsons charecters on the box.

Lovely bit of marketing there.

I really want new shoes, so if someone might package Adidas in Simpsons boxes for me... it would be greatly appreciated.

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