If This Confuses You, Then You Understand How I Feel
1:44 pm - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2002

Each glance at the clock is another hour, minute, second closer to being with Chris again. My heart leaps at the glance that brings the countdown lower a considerable ammount.

I'm reading, Feather Boy, attempting to pass the time. Running lists through my mind.

What more do I need to go before I can go?

I need to wash the dishes, because I have to do my chores each day and what does it matter if Andrew never does his. That's just the way of little brothers.

And I need to wash clothing so I will have something to wear tomorrow.

And showering, I need to do that.

And why do my brothers friends want me to chaperone them to see signs?

All these things are coming at me from all sides.

My brother is the most stressful person in the world. I don't want kids for fear they'll be like him (reason #8726).

Tomorrow though. I'm making it through today by concentrating on tomorrow.

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