When Barbie Dies Out They'll Want A Slightly Chubby Brunette As Thier New "Plaything"
6:15 am - Friday, Aug. 09, 2002

My clothes are on, my teeth brushed, my hair up and now, save make-up, I am ready to go see my Chris. My first day in the seattle area with him as my parents are the paranoid type.

I'm so excited, there's a huge smile on my face. That is when I'm not debateing the breakfast topic with my body.

It keeps insisting "You're up early, and about to embark on a long journey, why not eat a bowl of cereal or maybe a scone." to which I fiercely reply, "I haven't eaten breakfast at a breakfast time in years. It's not a meal in my day, it makes me feel queezy and heavy all day. I'll be eating lunch, don't you worry you silly body".

As of yet, I'm still not sure who is going to win out.

Now to finish up everything and be a nicely packaged version of myself, because this one comes with brushed hair and lined eyes. Better then that everyday packageing.

This is what happens when I feel my hair resembles Barbie's. Well, not Barbie, but her brunette friend... Courtney was it? No that was Skipper's brown-haired friend...

Yes, I realize this is pointless. I also know that not knowing is going to bother me at some point, someday.

Until then I guess I'll just concern myself with being "Super Seattle Meggie" for the day. Better then the "Lazy Pajama Meggie" I've been lately, I suppose.

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