I Don't Hate My Parents
9:24 pm - Wednesday, Aug. 07, 2002

One of the nicer elements to this evening was sitting with my mom and her friends. Joking and talking.

I will be one of the girls who, soon after I leave the house and my mother can no longer reprimend me for my actions, will be able to say "my mommy is one of my best friends".

I'm not often scolded by her, especially with the hot tempered, short-fused man that is my father to do it for her. I don't know how she stands him.

She told me once: He's bad with children. I liked him before we had them, and I'm sure I'll like him after they move out

I'm not offended. I know he's bad with children. He had a part in my upbringing. I argue like he does and I'm quick to raise my voice. He must be brimming with pride at the darling attributes I have developed thanks, in part, to being slightly raised by him.

Reason #4827 for me not to have children: I might be a parent like my father

Reason #1: They smell

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