I Fear Years May Lead To Retrogression Of My Writing Style
10:25 pm - Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2002

Replaying "Brick" by Ben Folds Five because I feel sad when I listen to his soft words and his lyrical style makes me long for a skill in writing of any form.

Lyrics speak to me on a whole other level then any other forms of writing. It's hard enough to move someone with your words, but to do it, while making it part of a song, that's got to be ten times harder. Or maybe it isn't. I know I don't come across correctly through my writing because sometimes you just need that voice fluctuating and straining to understand the true meanings of an authors words.

I fear my voice will come off too correctly at times. I would adore avoiding the trap that is sounding like a sixteen your old girl. That is, in itself, a blatent curse.

My many attempts at writing and expression are mundane and lackluster albeit full of voice all the same. Unfortunately the voice conveyed is yet again that of a sixteen year old girl and I forget how I got caught in this repetition except that I cannot speed time and while I need the experiance to convey true feeling in my words, I doubt these last five years are needed before I can be my true alcoholic writer self.

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