Please Don't Read This
12:21 pm - Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002

I have a habit of building obsessions with songs and leaving them on repeat. And thanks to the handy-dandy play counter on windows media player I know I have played Your Body Is A Wonderland by John Mayer 32 times. And going.

I don't know what it is that makes me loive this song so much.

But I do know that if I play it for more then a day then the lyrics get special place here in my diary...

Adams supposed to come over soon, though I'm not quite sure what makes us comtinue to hang out with one another. We have some really kick ass phone conversations though. Which is a change from how it used to be.

Gah! I have not a thing to say. I am bored out of my mind and wish I could just take a drive and take pictures. Maybe I'll take pictures today anyway. Make Adam go hikeing with me.

My next order of bussiness should be getting a gold membership, I need to image hosting and as I'm closing in on 600 entries, I owe it to Andrew.

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