To You I Am That Pointless Thing
2:10 pm - Wednesday, Jul. 10, 2002

I don't want to write, I have nothing to write. And yet...

I ate a whole jar of pickles today. One of my new favorite passtimes is sitting on the floor infront of the fridge eating pickles out of the jar.

Another one is pretending what people say doesn't hurt me and pretending I'm friends with these people who obviously don't want to be my friend.

It's really a rockin' eventful summer.

In fact, I think the only person who truly likes having me in thier life is Chris. Though, knowing me, I'll probably ruin that soon enough.

I've coem to this point where as much as I realize this diary is pointless, and I should start a new one that people don't know about, or something... I can't draw myself away.

There's a lot of pointless things I can't draw myself away from.

I wish I wasn't that thing to so many people.

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