It's All A Matter Of Understanding
10:04 pm - Friday, Jul. 05, 2002

I'm sure anyone could say I don't understand love, and as much as I would attempt to argue it, I know it's true.

There's a lot I do not understand. I don't understand why I miss Chris constantly, yet when he's with me, I feel his presence imposing at times.

I don't understand why I despise my father's pot smoking, though I smoke occasionaly.

I don't understand why I feel it is ineviatable that I should be married and divorced multiple times, I just know I have a tendency towards boredom.

I don't understand why commitment feels like a lifetime thing everytime.

I don't understand why spending a lifetime with Chris sounds like a good idea, when I won't even like the same kind of ice cream next week.

I don't understand my sudden need to go, but I want to go to Arkansas because I was listening to Little Rock when I decided I need to go.

I don't understand so much. I think above all I don't understand love.

I do understand Chris though. I understand that I want... need to be with him. And I suppose I'm in love.

Though I doubt I'll ever really udnerstand it.

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