I Want To Kick Myself Because At One Point Last Night I Thought, Maybe Shaye Was Smart
3:57 pm - Monday, Jul. 01, 2002

There comes a point when you're just tired of having the same fight over and over again. There comes a point where the easiest thing to do is say, eh, screw it, give up and move on.

Chris told me we were standing at a fork in the road last night, there was the hard path and there was the harder path. Staying together = hard. Breaking up = harder.

My mind was saying that the hard path will just keep getting harder and the harder path keep getting easier.

I told him the harder path was it was over and you start to heal.

Saying over made all the differance, I think. It forces you to think through what your about to do. I don't care that we ended a night confused and in tears. I don't care that we'll just keep having this fight as long as he lives so far away.

I love him. I love him with all my heart. And I'm not giving up that easily. At least I don't think I am. I'm still so confused.

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