An Obvious Obsession
1:11 am - Monday, Jul. 01, 2002

"And I'll walk a step behind in the shadow so you shine" -The One, Gary Allan

I will continue to insist there is nothing better then country music. I mean, I listen to very little of it, but when ever I take the time to watch CMT or something like that, I always find about 600 songs I adore.

Next to Sinatra those are some of the sweetest songs out there. I grew up with a lot of country. Maybe that's why songs lyrics are so important to me.

I relate to songs all the time. I can relate to them for my situation, or other people.

I always find songs that remind me of how Chris feels about me, or how Adam reacted to our break up (from his point of view). I love music.

My teachers reflections on my final project (Anthology! Rock!) had the following line: Your obvious obsession with music leads me to wonder if your message won't someday take that form

I don't know. Maybe it will. Until then I'll just start entries with lyrics and think of someone for every song until I've ruined all forms of music for myself.

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