She Didn't Mean To Decive You Belive Me
10:12 pm - Saturday, Jun. 29, 2002

She taught me how to trust
And to believe in us
And then she taught me how to cuss ... that bitch!
It's over

Listening to this song at Rahnia's she told me Adam had made some comment about that line being about me.

At the time I blew it off as, of Adam's insulting me again, and why are you telling me this.

Yet in retrospect I have no idea why Adam would say this. Let us break it down:

She taught me how to trust-I was the one who had problems trusting people. He was always trying to help me trust him

And to believe in us-Sigh, once again, I was the one who didn't belive our relationship was going to get anywhere. I was the one who tore it apart and felt that we had nothing. He was always holding it together.

I already knew how to cuss

that bitch... it's over- He is a bitch... and I broke us up, so I ended it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't this seem a bit more about him then me? Maybe I am wrong, maybe I'm just under the impression that I was the one who screwed it up when really I was the confident one in the relationship, the one who tried to keep it together, the one who was dumped... But I really don't think that's the case. He really is a bitch.

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