I'm Not Scared To Die, But I Don't Know What I'd Do If You Did
8:05 pm - Saturday, Jun. 29, 2002

I've never known anyone whose died. This make me feel inexperianced.

How would I react? Would I cry? Would I be too shocked to say anything?

How could I live if Chris died? I don't think I could bear that. I don't think life could ever be the same. I love him so much. Just the thought of him leaving my life makes me feel scared and empty.

I don't knwo how I would react for anyone.

I have all my grandparents. Both my parents. All my friends. All my family. All my aquantinces. And yet no one has ledt my life that way.

Does it hit you harder the longer it takes for you to experiance that pain?

What makes someone young die? Murder, accident, deasies.

How do you forgive someone who murders someone you love? How do you hate someone who made a mistake?

I'm scared, because at some point I'll have to face someones death, and though there's no point in griveing now, I can't help but worry. How the hell would I be able to handle that?

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