Who Am I To Blow Against The Wind
11:06 am - Sunday, Jun. 30, 2002

It was so nice when Rahnia didn't have the internet. I love her alot, and I'm willing to tell anything. But I hate when she reads my diary.

She makes fun of what I write or comments about how there was no point in writing what I did. That's so unfair. It is my diary, so if I want to write about what someone said to me when I was three I have the right to.

Whatever, it's really pointless. If she hurts peoples feelings she just gets all defensive about why they shouldn't feel that way, rather then realizing that she's doing something hurtful.

This is pointless because it doens't matter.

Saying what CD I'm listening to has more effect on my life then complaining about her, because that will get me no where fast.

It's "Graceland" by Paul Simon.

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