Camp Days
9:15 pm - Thursday, Jun. 20, 2002

I doubt I could ever live in a home with air conditioning. It would take away that heavy warmness that I associate with summer. Sitting in my living room under the weight of the heat. I adore that feeling.

Summers were a time of great joy when I was a child. That�s when the neighborhood kids regrouped.

Suddenly daily pinecone wars were fought in Amy�s back yard. I was teaching basketball or running a lemonade stand or thinking up some game to play. Cieara and Jake did what we did. Laura came over daily so we could walk to 7-11 together.

Every year I went to camp and came back with games to play and songs to sing.

I�ve attended the same camp one week a summer (except last summer where I went for two weeks) since I was seven. I adore that place. I grew up with their songs, and the sand in my shoes and hair for months afterwards. I know the beach and the river and the ocean and the trails like the back of my hand.

I�m not sure if it�s just punishment for being older of because the ACA runs that camp now, but it�s lost a lot of it�s appeal to me.

Last year you could hardly do anything without being told it wasn�t �camp appropriate�. Yet I�m going back again. It�s like an addiction. I love that place even if I don�t agree with some of their rules.

I�m hoping this will be my last year there as a camper and that next year I can work there.

Even if I don�t, I�ll always remember the songs, and the games, and the sand that I swear is still in my shoes.

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