My Driveway Just Isn't As Good Here
5:56 pm - Wednesday, Jun. 19, 2002

I may or may not get into trouble when my parents return home from thier afternoon trip to the lake (ooh, thier on a date).

I was playing with the hose, because my dad asked me to water the dirt. Well, grass seeded dirt. I did as I was told, but it's so hot outside and water so nice I decided to wash my mom's car. This meant pulling it out of the driveway. I think legally I'm allowed to do this, even though I only have a permit and there's no adult, because I stayed on our property, but I'm not sure yet how my parents will react.

I adore washing cars. It's not that I much like scrubbing down a car, though it's not that hard and takes very little time.

I like the water that flows off the car, creating little beads.

When I was little I loved to help my dad wash the car. At out old house all the water ran into the street and rushed it's way against the curb down to the street drain.

I was always fascinated with this water. I would sit on the curb crosslegged and build dams and create little side streams with the flowing water. I would drop pineneedles in as people who needed to be rescued. They would float along until they were saved by a dam or stick or some other piece of street dabri or they fell over the waterfall into the street drain.

I had to run outside and look at our garbage can to figure out how to spell debri. Our can has a sticker that says: This Can Is For Garbage Only, Yard Debris Do Not Belong In This Can. My mom used to have the sticker taped in the window of her car, but she got a new bumper sticker. This one says:

W.W.O.D.- What Would Oprah Do?

After I finished washing her car I made rivers in the driveway. Each and everyone of them flowed into the grass.

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