Rain Is So Nice
1:06 pm - Monday, Jun. 17, 2002

It's raining which is always nice. I like listening to it slap onto the ground. I'm all cozy and wrapped up in a blanket watching it hit my window. I almost don't want to motivate myself.

But then again I do, because I have plans with Nell and I don't want to miss those.

I have yet to shower and I meet her in half an hour. I think I'll be on time though. I really hope I can spend more time with her this summer. Kinda make it like it was a few summers ago.

I always find myself missing what I used to have. My old neighborhood, my old schools, old friends. I shouldn't sit here and miss these things. I should reacquaint myself with them. I should call Emma (an old friend from camp), spend time with Nell, chill with Joe. And when Rob comes into town on the 19th, we should make plans. I miss these people.

I also should spend time with Kai, he's a really great guy and I like him. I think Rahnia is overly mean to him.

I'm kinda hurt that Rahnia doesn't care at all. But, really, thats her deal. That's life and it goes on. And if things work out they do, and if they don't they don't.

I need some motivation. I think I'll crank up the Avril cd (I'm a dork) and jump in thw shower. Then out into the rain to get to Nell's.

Rain is so nice.

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