I Swear, I Am Not A Tomboy
11:34 pm - Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2002

I am not a tomboy.

Let us just start with that, so I can remove this misconception from some people's minds.

No, I'm not really the type to throw away dreams and ambitions in order to be a house wife. I was in a mood. An odd mood.

I think any guy who hears a girl say she actually wants to just stay home and raise kids should get the hell out of there. We are in an age where you cannot raise a family on one income (mostly). Things are too expensive, school, food, clothing. Kids cost alot of money.

I don't even know if I want kids. Though whenever I see babies I get all super maternal and I want one right then.

Yesterday at the pool there was a precious little three year-old boy. He looked just like I pictured Chris to look at that age.

Today Chris sent me a picture of him as a child, and he looks just like the kid at the pool.

And so I kicked into super-maternal mood. Right now I want a baby so much. I also want jell-o (and in three more hours, I'll have some)

See, it's just a mood.

The point here is, I am not a tomboy. I think kevin put it best:

good god, who said you were a tomboy

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