I Swear I Do Not Write Like This
8:09 pm - Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2002

Whats that... it's summer you say. Hell yeah it is!

I am overly happy about this.

First day of summer was a half day, following math and chem finals. I may have bombed each one, whatever. After school was spent dodgeing book fines and extreme glare from the book nazi by turning in my calculator, with working batterys and all. They stole my batterys, but I'm think I'll live. I think.

After all that fun stuff it was time to clean my locker, which it short means my backpack is full of old tupperware. Some of which I think I deliverd Christmas cookies in.

Then came the fun part, and my first sunburn of the season... Ronnie's pool par-tay. Oh yeah. We had ten people in her apartments pool. Got yelled at alot. Swam a little. Saw Kai penis by accident, may be scarred for life.

Didn't feel well so I went home pretty early. I think I got me some of that heat-stroke shiznit.

Found out Jen didn't think I was girly. This caused tears and I had to re-pluck my eyebrows to prove how femi-nine I be's.

Ate fried chicken for dinner to top off the day. Makes it feel just like summer. Now I just needs to get me some sun tea. Then all socks will be appropriately rocked.

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