Crumbling Facades
2:45 pm - Sunday, May. 19, 2002

I've said it time and time again. everyone listen to me this time. ADAM IS AN ASSHOLE.

Why don't people realize this until it's too late. I feel terrible for Rahnia. And more and more she's encountering the Adam I was faced with after I broke up with him. The one who tells you to get over yourself when you tell him he hurt you. The one who lies about everything, who doesn't even know what he feels for you. The one who may or may not still want you, but either way has to keep you clinging to him, because he needs the confidence boost.

More and more I see his confidence as a cover for insecurtiy. His insults a cover. His lies a cover.

Facades all fall and some point, and I really want him to crumble. Because he's hurt my best friend, and he doesn't deserve to get away with it.

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