Multiple Clean Slates
4:35 pm - Sunday, Apr. 14, 2002

I hung out with Josh (another guy who i met through diaryland) today.... it was okay... but he was kinda boring... I am always looking for people to entertain me...

Thats what I adore about Chris and Bobby... they entertain me...

We wandered from my house to Hawthorne and back... it was pretty good conversation... but he did a few things that piss me off to no end for guys to do

1)Use the word gay as an insult
2)tell me i'm too smart
3)Say things such as 'tyte' and 'represent' when they're little white boys from portland
4)complain about not getting any
5)talk about how hot other girls are
6)answer my questions without asking me anything about me

Good thing: I got orange soda

Gotta look at the bright side of things...

He didn't understand the concept that I love my life and despite that wouldn't care if I died right now... I said i would like to live with out regreats over the coices i make... and I'm going to try that... I want a clean slate and plan to clear it...

Hi, My name is Megan... and everythign ahppens for a reason... don't hold back.. because life is short...

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