My Body Is Starting To Fight Back
8:52 am - Sunday, Apr. 14, 2002

why do I feel like shit... and why did my body only allowing me four hours of sleep... and why aren't I tired...

why does chris find sleep nessesary right now...

I really want to call him and wake him so i can hear his voice... i wanna know what he sounds like when i wake him up.. something i may not know for a long time...

Praise Chrous has found it's way back to repeat... for a while last night it was 'For Me This Is Heaven' by jimmy eat world (imagine that)because that was how i was feelings... but it's back to to this... which is okay with me..

I woke up with horrible pains in my lower abdomen that i can't figured out...

It's no longer stormy... the sun is shinning away out there... but i will spend most of today wasting time like none other....

Maybe i'll do homework or clean my roon... but i highly doubt it... right now... returning to bed seems the best idea...

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