Lifetime Tiara
10:09 pm - Monday, Feb. 18, 2002

Everytime I look up I see my tiara... and I just want to laugh at myself... that tiara is a sign of all the wishful thinking in my life...

It's a sign of all the times I fell in love.. despite my prior knowlege that my heart would be broken... a sign of all the times I thought one guy would be differant then another... all the times I thought that maybe people do change... all the times that I trusted someone right off the bat...

It shimmers in my light... and I don't resent it... because wishful thinking is what makes it so I can meet those wonderful people who effect my life in such positive ways... and all those people who effected it negativly... yet I learned... that tiara stands for so much... and yet nothing... I just hope I never grow out of it... of wishful thinking and unconditional love and trust... I never want to take that tiara off... because I may not be a real princess... but I can feel like one


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