Lazy Saturday News
9:21 am - Saturday, Apr. 20, 2002

I am enjoying a slow saturday morning... adam is supposed to come by soon so we can got to lunch... we're going to get thai food... which brings me much joy...

I'm cold... but it feels okay.. except for my overwhelming needs to sneeze...

I woke up to a dial tone this morning... i fell asleep on the phone once again... I must have just rolled over on it and turned it on though... it worries me that i fall asleep on that and the first three memory numbers have thier own buttons... and one of those is a long distance call... because I don't feel the need to pay for time I don't talk to Chris... or at least hear him talk to me as I fall asleep....

I need to get a cell phone... I think after lunch today I'll make Adam go with me while I fill out job applications, then we can go to the mall and decide how much it'll cost to get my cell phone... though my brother and mom might do that tonight... I need unlimited nights and weekends to make it worth it in anyway. I wonder what Adam's plan is like, i hate his phone though, it's huge....

I get my allowance today... and could use to get pants... or cd's... because there's a whole lot i want... and those are ones I don't feel right downloading, basically because I love the band...

I am still listening to For Me This Is Heaven... although I did stop to listen to my new stroke 9 cd... new as in i bought it at CD/Game exchange for $2.50... couldn't pass that up... I almost bought the Nsync CD too...

Hey... we like Nsync... (me and Shelly)

Oh... me and shelly were supposed to go buy little stink tickets today... shelly should call me so I know whats going on... maybe I'lll just buy both of ours today and have her pay me back or something... I need to call her...

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