Cast Page
12:08 am - Sunday, Sept. 15, 2002

Cast page last updated: July 27, 2003

Main Characters

We've been dating for more than a year. He is loved immensly by me, but that still doesn't seem to be enough. I would love to spend my life with him

My Best friend. We faced a hard year last year, and now I believe much of what happened, our love and hate through it, has dissipated. She recently moved completely across the country. As Bugsy said when I told him, "could she get any further?" I wonder.

I just don't know anymore. She means a lot to me, though.

I love her. I spend a lot of time with her, time I probably wouldn't have gotten chance to spend if it weren't for this years circumstances. My swim buddy.

Amazing. Sometimes I don't get her, but other times I am more than glad to have her around. She has proved to be an amazing friend many times.

Supporting Cast

I dated this boy for a year and a half: 18 months. He put me through a lot of hell, not saying some of it was undeserved, but I feel he pushed too much. We are just now comfortable just talking with one another. Dating Michelle now

I enjoy her much. She's a wonderful person, and a good friend. I want to be there for her, I want her to know I will be.

We had a hard time for part of this year, but I think old wounds have healed and once again we can have a fairly good friendship.

I like her much, and that's all I'll say for now.

I like her a lot, I'll leave it there.

Flashback Characters

He helped me break up with Adam once and for all. Our relationship is what prompted me to start this here diary.

Another ex.A very stupid move.

We were best friends from seventh grade until the end of eighth. It was then that I made the stupid move of choosing to see my boyfriend rather than friends. I love her dearly. She was my first experience with pot.

My first love. I screwed up. We don't speak anymore, though I see her a lot.

Fir Acres

Quite possibly my closest pal from Fir. Love her much. We live like 7 hours apart.

Megan C.
Love this girl like none other. She's always there for me.

The Family Members

I never thought I�d be the kind of girl who told her mother everything, but I�m learning it. She is an amazing person, who I adore.

Someone who wants me to understand without telling me, why he wants so much for me. I�m learning past I didn�t want to know. He can be a huge jerk, but I love him.

My Brother. He�s a challenge. Sometimes we�re at one another�s throats, other times we�re telling everything. It�s a bad combination.

The Boyfriends Family
I include them, because I feel so included in their family, and spend so much time with them. I want to be a part of this family someday.

Chris� mom. She�s an interesting woman, who I like very much, and who seems to like me very much.

Not his real name. Chris� brother. As a couple we�re quite close to him and his wife, individually, it�s all Chris. He�s funny and great to be around, but I�ve always got to watch myself a bit. I�m trying to impress these people, and he�s got an over active mouth.

Bugsy�s wife. I think she�s wonderful and quite sweet. She and her husband have been wonderful to Chris and I.

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