Boring School Stuff
11:07 am - Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2002

For the second time today, I am spending a class period in the computer lab. This is what happens when i don't do homework, or keep links to bills that sweet boyfriends of mine send.

I wish I had chosen a less easy to see computer.

I need to get my hair lightend and reddend, not too much, but a bit.

I feel terrible. I skipped spanish to work on Chemistry with Rahnia and Adam. Basically they had to copy what I had done. Amazing that I had any done, it's so unlike me.

My head is spinning and my mouth tastes bad from Burgerville food. I want to sleep and puke, and I'd rather not do either.

I feel like I'll fall over if I stand up again, and lucky me I get to spend lunch working on chem. I want to work in the drama room because it's entertaining, but it's also distracting.

My bill is about money for education, and seriously, I don't care. I have to have something halfway intelligent sounding to say about it on Thursday.

I'm so scared that the Chemistry test is today, because failing that class is not an option, and failing another test is never good for the self esteem.

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