We'll Dance, Eat, And Complain
5:13 pm - Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003

Soon we'll be on the Dinner Cruise. And we're supposed to dance, and eat and have fun.

It's hard to do when you know you have a friend pissed off at you. When you're pissed off back because you belive they're being unbeanding and unreasonable. And they think you you let them down and are a "sarcastic liar" and you're not sure if you want to speak to them after that and after you go cry.

I want things resolved, but it's seeming an impossiblity at this moment, though soon it will be something differant.

I don't like having to be transportation and never get paid for gas. I don't like hanging out, and then beign the bad one when I feel like going home. I don't like being excpected to bend to everyones will.

And I really don't like how hard people work sometimes to ignore your side.

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