Here's A Letter For You
2:18 pm - Thursday, Nov. 04, 2004
Song: Spice Girls - Mama

Response to a guestbook entry:
"I feel sick. I feel like puking. I feel like bawling and crying and curling up and dying." SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE LIBERAL! - from doesnt matter

Dear Doesn't Matter,

I'm sorry you feel you can't stand behind your beliefs with your name. That's why we have free speech in this country, so that you don't have to hide your true beliefs, especially about things involving politics.

As to your comment, I don't feel that any group can be squeezed into such stereotypes. I was upset as I watched the results, true, because I put a lot of myself into this election, but I also realize that through using the system, a president was chosen. I understand this, and I have moved on. It's time for us to look forward. No matter who our president is, we have quite a few things to deal with in this country. The heartbreaking thing for me though, was not our president, but the constitutional ban passed in my state against gay marriage. This has nothing to do with where I stand politically, but rather in a belief that our constitution wasn�t meant to limit the rights of people. People who are just like any of us. People including my own brother.

The youth need to continue to get involved, regardless of party. They need to start getting involved in the system. This is my platform. We need to start getting the young people invested, because they are the future of our country, and they need to be informed and involved. And when I say informed, it has nothing to do with pushing my own, as you would put them, liberal ideals, but rather teaching them how the system works and how they can have their voices heard.

Finally, I�m sorry if I�m too liberal for you. I don�t think of myself as being excessively liberal, but then again how can anyone place themselves in any category. In manner and action I am quite conservative. I stand behind getting everyone involved, not simply those with whom my ideas best mesh. We all have our beliefs, but we are going to make very little progress if we spend all our time attacking one another for these beliefs. I was disappointed by what happened November 2, but I�ve moved past it. There are bigger things in this world, in this country, and the time has come for us to begin working to fix the problems we are face with.

It was very nice to have you comment. I�m sorry we couldn�t better agree, or that I wasn�t able to address you more directly, but I�m sure we can both agree that this is the start of another four years in which all we can hope is that our country will begin to move towards a better place, where we may all be happy to raise our own children.

Sincerely, Megan

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