I'll Stand By You
8:13 am - Saturday, Jul. 17, 2004
Song: John Mayer - Not Myself

Last night after I went with Rahnia to the movies, where we sang along to the songs and tried to stifle some of our harsher comments, I went to pick up Kaeli. We found ourselves downtown, wandering the streets of our city. Taking in the sand castles in pioneer courthouse square while eating Honkin� Huge Burritos. We wandered the waterfront to the marina, and then back and up to the library and the park blocks.

Two hours walking, and this whole time, our main focus of conversation is what we are all gradually preparing to enter. College. When you make plans for something that will drastically change your life, you begin to over plan, and anticipate. The same with people whose weddings you're bored with before they even begin. Although you do find that the moment is sweet, it�s not always as you excepted because you�ve been thinking about it too hard for too long. Although my graduation was the same sort of situation for me, somehow I�m certain this will be bigger. This time I won�t be returning home afterwards, and going back to life as normal.

So Kaeli and I wandered until our feet hurt so that we could talk about what we�re going to face. Discuss the dorms, and possibly moving out. Discussing what we�re leaving behind and what we need to get away from. Moving out on our own, and dammit are we supposed to be growing up faster or slower than this.

But in the end, I took great comfort in the fact that she and I decided to be roommates. It�s the simple knowledge that you�re walking too high on too skinny a ledge, but there is something down there, ready and willing to reach out and catch you. I can always count on her to set me lightly on the ledge again.

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