The Relationship Catch-22
5:04 pm - Monday, Jun. 07, 2004

I think that there comes a time in relationships where you�ve been together so long, that it seems impossible that anything could ever break you up. Once you�ve worked through two, three, four years, how can anything else come between you?

I see this in the relationships of friends around me. They�ve made it so long they begin to think they are invincible. And yet twenty year marriages end and here we are on the brink of college claiming that we�re perfect, in love, getting married and having babies one of these days.

Not that I think it�s impossible. It happens. I want it to work that way for Chris and I. I just wonder how does one take a step back from all those years together and decide, �Now, now is the time to break it off, because 6 years ago was too soon�?

I want so much, I want this love right here, and yet, I don�t believe that anyone else�s has the staying power that mine does. In my eyes we trust each other better, love each other better, argue with each other better. Ridiculous claims, but I�m grabbing at something that makes us that much better than everyone else, giving us that much more of a chance.

Unfortunately, like with everything, the harder you push or the stronger the grip you try to enforce on it, the more likely it is to slip out of your grasp when you�re not looking.

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