Gay Marriage Here
10:25 pm - Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004

I don't think I've ever been so damn proud of my little city, as to have them stand up with the big finger to Bush and say that they'll begin to issue marriage liscences starting tomorrow.

It's an uncouth way of saying it, I realize that. But I am so excited. It's one of the few times I'll get on AIM just to tell everyone news they already now.

Mostly I think it's overdue in this liberal place, and my mom says it's for publicity, but that didn't keep us both from dancing and boo hissing at the people on the news who said it was wrong because "uh... that's not what marriage is about". What? it's not about love and friendship and devotion for a lifetime (or until same-sex divorces are legal)? At least have a strong reason for your opposition, or (in my opinion) keep your damn mouth shut.

I've been saying fuck so much this evening, that I think I'm being detrimental to the cause. But Fuck, this is the greatest little get otu of our way to Bush.

Go Portland!

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