The Idealists Ideas On Marriage
10:00 pm - Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003

Love. Above all things, love makes life right and good. Makes everything easier and harder, but warm. Warm and fuzzy. Marriage starts with love. I don�t believe in being married if you�re not in love with the person. What�s the point in going through the motions and sleeping in the same bed when you don�t want to wrap the other persons arms around you, or fuck sometimes, or maybe just lay your head and hand on their chest and listen to their heart beat and their chest rise and fall. In that position, how can you not be in love?

But marriage is more than that. It�s controlling you�re biting comments, no matter how witty they sound in your mind. It�s listening to what they want from you, and making an attempt to fulfill their wishes within reason. It�s having someone to make you soup when you sick, or have dinner going when you go home.

It�s all about mutual understanding. A successful marriage is open and honest to the extent where you don�t have to ask for it from your partner, they just know. It�s all about the small things, the little symbols of love, and the way you fight.

They seem so wrong to sit together in a sentence, but they aren�t at all. Love fights, whether we want it to our not. It�s all about how you fight. Good love, good marriage, fights, but it forgives as well. No ones asking you to keep your voice low, or keep your eyes dry, but love asks that you say you�re sorry when you are, and that you forgive when they�re sorry.

Marriage is never infidelity. In my mind, almost as bad as drunk drivers, are cheaters. There�s a reason you got married, and a reason you took a vow.

Remind yourself of those reasons. Look at your spouse sometimes, and find that one little thing that always attracted you the most. That facial expression that still makes you blush. That curve you never forget to kiss. Remind them why they�re loved. Never drop that word from your vocabulary. Love. It�s powerful.

If you don�t believe me, look at how people suffer for lack of it. It�s extreme.

Know how lucky you are, say you�re lucky, believe you�re lucky.

Above all though, don�t be immediately ready to let go. It takes work, and compassion, and every other selfless thing people hate to exert for someone else. But in the end it�s worth it. And they�re worth it.

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