Nothing Doing So Much
11:31 am - Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003
Song: I'm Real - J.Lo and JaRule

During summer I always hit this lull. There�s nothing just killing me, and rarely anything keeping my enthused. Just day after day of mostly good times. Movies with Rahnia, Swimming, River, Chris. It�s all fun. But not�

It�s the usual trouble I suppose. I love to travel. Everyone around me is traveling to all these great places, and I�ve yet to go anywhere. Well� I went to Seattle and I went to Fir Acres, which was in Portland.

Later this summer� later this summer is San Francisco, and I�m counting on it for a lot. It�s my vacation, my college visitation, my time with Chris.

Oh, Chris is so good. He�s been taking me on mini-vacations. The beach, Seattle, just little trips to make it feel like I�m going places.

Plus my Aunt and Uncle are going to be here tomorrow. Chris will be here tomorrow. I�m going to a Mariners game next week. Yes, all this is good�

It�s time to stop whining, start doing, and to start writing for real.

After this whiny baby, badly written entry that is.

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