Kelsi Made A Stand
7:06 pm - Monday, Jun. 09, 2003

Today was our last day in Junior English. The last day we will have that teacher, and I think almost every person is rejoicing.

At the very beginning of this school year it was him who told me I was a bad analytical writer, and that without that I would never amount to anything in IB. He told me I was narrow minded and basically stupid to think that he hadn�t read my piece because he didn�t understand what it was about. Maybe so, perhaps, but he didn�t comment on it at all. You know English teachers, you know this is odd.

It was this year that he lectured the whole class for an entire class period because of something Rahnia and I said.

This year that he made Amanda cry. Liz cry. Kelsi cry.

Kelsi made a stand today It was absolutely amazing, and she said so much that I had wanted her to.

In short: when he says I�m good, it�s a lie.

But I promise to start believing when you do.

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