I Say Stay
6:31 pm - Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003
Song: Stay - Lisa Lobe

I love you more than anything in the world. But I look over this, and it kills me. I hurt you, and I do it badly. And a lot. I hurt a boy who means everything to me. Who never gives up. You say i only hear the negative, no no no bad, and that it's differant to praise than to say something's hurting you, and I see that. But i also see that I am harmful to you. I told you all my worries and insecurities and how i think people precive me. And I thought it was all cut and paste simple. But there I did something wrong. You make things right. You are a wonderful person, and I'm not putting you up as a god just telling you I'll find you amazing no matter what and I love you because your better, that what makes you right. I love you.

I'm begging you not to leave and you have no intention.

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