One Year Later
8:35 pm - Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2002

One year ago today, and this diary has seen me through so much. I�m amazed at it. So much has passed me by; it�s archived, and much of it I want to forget.

Shut up, because I never loved Kevin. Screwed, and fuck off Richard. Adam and Rahnia were then. Loving Adam was then.

But there are the things worth holding on to. Rahnia is my very best friend. Chris is the boy I love more than anything else in the world, and who I have the confidence to say loves me back the very same. Kelsi is an amazing, amazing person.

I feel Rahnia�s keeping things about her and Rich from me. I feel Chris and I don�t nearly get enough time. I feel Kelsi and I should talk more.

It sounds like pouting.

But really� this is the anniversary of my diary, I love these people more than life itself, and I wouldn�t have it any other way.

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