Chris, Rahnia, and Kelsi
10:51 pm - Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002

Nothing like a best friend to come in and hug you to happiness.

I�m so thankful to have Rahnia living so close so I can ask her over, or go to her, and just receive needed hugs and a person to bitch to. I�m so lucky to have her at all.

Sometimes Chris just doesn�t cut it.

She came and sat on my bed with me. Showed me her adorable dress for homecoming and asked me to try mine on.

Apparently the color is good with my skin color. Finally something for those pale girls.

Then she let me tell her how Adam�s a jerk and how I�m confused about everything right now. I got to invite her to go to The Pumpkin Patch with Chris and I, and with any hope Kelsi, on Friday. I�m so happy to have a four-day week.

I�m looking forward to Friday so much. I get the boy and two of my best friends. In fact, including him, three of my best friends. My three. We get to explore the corn maze, play in the muddy pumpkin patch, paint barbequed corn with butter and buy sweet, fresh vegetables. What could be better?

That and I want early morning coffee with the boy in a little coffee shop, because it�s cold here now. I want him to hold me and kiss me and be the sweetest guy in the world, because really, that�s what he�s best at.

I�m in love, and because of Rahnia, everything is cheerier again.

I�m in love with everything. I want to drink it deep and buzz my mind out with the pure beauty that is everything and everyone. Hold me all of you, the world is spinning on it�s axis, and I just realized how good this is.

I want the flowers to bloom and abduct me, and I�m loving the bitter cold that envelopes every night. It dances lightly across my floor and freezes my bare toes, while my arms are warm and laugh at the poor foot fingers. I love the 6-blanket pile I sleep under, curled up with Chris�s words and breath. He loves me, he hopes I sleep tight, he loves me.

It�s all right now, because they sent me pure love and I needed it. They are perfection.

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