Wonderful, Just Great
6:14 pm - Monday, Sept. 30, 2002

Nothing on my mind, yet everything on my plate. I have a lot going on, right? I�m trying to think it over and what has lead to the pathetic way I have hardly challenged myself to tear the words from my mind. Instead I have let myself be overcome by my so-called over loaded schedule.

I got week four at outdoor school, and I am happy to no end that I will get a chance to go.

Today was good once I left the brick confines of school out into the rainy, real world. I got to shop with Kelsi, which is an unusual weekday pleasure, as I usually go right home in order to die before going to waterpolo and dieing again.

I got a dress for homecoming and hot knish to eat through freezing breath and raindrops. A taste of my precious New York in my smaller city. I would love another right now, I could eat thirty.

I suppose I could recap yesterday, and say more than I had a wonderful time with Chris.

But he will.

Or I could say I had a wonderful time at Outdoor School training, but really it�s not important.

Things aren�t as interesting when they�re wonderful.

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