No Raindrops Falling On My Head
9:29 pm - Tuesday, Sept. 03, 2002

I opened my window just to smell the impending rain.

I'm listening to "Round Here" by Counting Crows, and suddenly that seems all the more meaningful to the situation.

Whenever I feel the need to pray, I sit at my open window, chin on the sill, middle of the night, just absorbing the air, and the feel, and the quite.

That�s the only time I can just sit and murmur everything I want to get out and pretend God is listening.

When I turn down the music I can hear the wind picking up and rushing down the street, through each tree individually.

I�m wishing for fall profusely, while my father, who plans to paint the house next weekend, wishes for an extra two weeks of dear summer.

As an Oregonian, it feels odd to say, but I miss rain.

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