Not A Memoir
12:42 pm - Friday, Aug. 02, 2002

The following connects to yesterday's entry:

I�m not writing a memoir, I�m telling a story. Because it�s just easier that way, really. I have very little skill at all when it comes to writing in general. But as this is my story, and I think there are hardly any decent authors out there anymore, I suppose I should out my limited writing skills to the test and tell this tale on my own. I�ve considered it through and through, and the hardest part of this story will be: I�m still living it.

I�m not writing about the distant past. I�m writing about the (almost) right now. Here we go: I was born in April 1986, In 2002 I turned 16, and my tale begins when I was 14. Just a tale of freshmen year of high school. What could be more mundane? Sex, skipping and boys. But then I never claimed to be interesting. Just a writer.

For all those concerned though, this story of my life, lets call it pure fiction.

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