I Wish Soroity Life Was On
5:46 pm - Friday, Jul. 26, 2002

I want to not have to move, but I don't want to be here any longer.

I made far too much prgress at Super Mario World today, I need a life.

I find myself caught up in things tooe asily.

Chris and I are just fine.

Now I need something to occupy my time, even my mind is empty. Compltely, not even a word I can say of useuless dribble.

I might start my comp-lit project if I don't find some way to occupy my time.

I had a dream I was preganant with Chris' kid and everyone was happy about it but me so I had a conversation with the kid and they decided to leave and they just kinda climbed out of me and walked away. It was creepy and gross and I hope never to get preganant because that was just a little too strange for my tastes.

Rahnia's leaving for the east coast soon, and I'm going to miss her since I never see her. I go to camp the 11-25, i think. I'll be gone.

I'll be happy, but missin' Chris. Missin' everyone, and hoping that poeple write me.

I'm umbearably hungry.

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