Much Has Changed In 8 Years
11:09 pm - Thursday, Jul. 25, 2002

Parts of my childhood I am retriving:

-Flinstones chewable vitamins (except mine now are Pokemon)

-Super Nintendo... I bought me some Super Mario World today

-Care Bears, I'm going to buy this great pink tee because it reminds me of the days when i would walk across the street to the video store and rent every Care Bears film they had. I don't even know what else that rental place had.

-Bedtime stories, except now I'm reading all my beloved favorites to Chris, including The Pokey Little Puppy (sorry honey, I mean pokey little bastard)

Yes I realize that no matter how hard I try I'll never be eight again... but I just want the freedom of an 18 year old, a car, an apartment with my boyfriend and someone to kiss my scraped knees, and tuck me in at night.

I miss bed fish when the phrase didn't bring nasty thoughts to people's minds and was just a game I played with my mom.

I miss asking people to come play with me...

and not have you thinking what you are now.

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