I've Never Loved You So Much As I Do Right Now
3:27 pm - Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2002

I never love him with such passion as I do when he first wakes up. His voice reverbarates with a smile and strong love that I can only hope he feels only for me.

I went to cry because my soul is escaping with each word to go to him, because it feels empty away from him. The way he says good morning draws me into a world that contains only he and I.

I know there's more to his words then the graceully brush against my heart and my inner longing to lay in his arms when he wakes each and everytime.

I could never be angry at the child that wakes to tell me he loves me. I feel so motherly and yet so passionate towards this man who mixes his love in childs words and strong feeling. He confuses me in all the good ways and I feel my mind give way to all the hopes and dreams that suddenly contain him.

The way he brushes hair away from my face or sleepily smiles at me suddenly places him in all my images of the future.

When I open my eyes to him, or dial his number in the morning, I know I'm opening myself up to pure truth. When life hasn't had the time to take it's toll on his words and actions. Where complete comfort rests between us. I long to be who he wakes next to, because my life could be lived wakeing next to him.

"You are more beautiful when you awake, Then most are in a lifetime"

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