Hungry Dellusions
7:04 pm - Thursday, Jul. 18, 2002

This writing is being forced upon me, because updateing my diary had become soemthing I hold very little intrest in. But it's this or doing my homework,

Once again it is obvious where my priorities lie.

I'm hungry. My insides feel hollow and if I wasn't having any number of riviting online conversations, I would do myself a favor and make food, but I am unmotivated.

I'm smoothing my fingertips across the keys and wondering at what point I lost intrest in everything.

I wish I could have my summer back because school makes me stressed and I feel like I want to die or cry everytime I'm alone. And school brings about huge fears of being alone and I mistreat Chris because I react badly to everything.

If my heart was in my mouth I would have given it away to far too many pople, and I'm sure I will never change. I don't know what I'm saying anymore but I get this feeling that if I didn't have Chris I'd have sex with you and extreme loyalty to him is the only thing that makes me a person with any morals.

But then that may just be my hunger making me dellusional.

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