I'm A Fanatic
2:29 pm - Monday, Jul. 15, 2002

There's something more then a little sad in the fact the only thing I wish to speak of lately is how wonderful my Chris is.

How disgusting. If I were you I wouldn't read this shit.

Happiness and Dashboard Confessional doesn't mix, yet I love singing along and if I knew how to show some motivation I would learn to play songs on my guitar (please read that gee-tar).

I'm for too entertained sticking my lips into pots of lipgloss to see if I can put in on without making my fingers slick with petroleum jelly. I can probably spend the rest of the day doing this if I don't get hungry in which case I would be forced to leave my room and entertain myself with a jar of pickles. My mother has taken to buying a jar of Megan pickles and a jar of sandwich pickles. She'll be upset later... one jar of Megan pickles is not enough.

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