Wisdom From Miracle On 34th Street
7:18 am - Tuesday, Jul. 09, 2002

Ever try to mend something when you weren't sure where the holes are? It's impossible, you end up sewing the whole thing stogether, or over analyzeing the fabric until you realize there's far more holes then you ever imgained could be there.

That's how I feel. I really want to do something to help Rahnia, but I'm umimaginative, unoriginal, and stupid and I don't know what to do.

She's making me feel bad for being happy with Chris, which is making me unhappy with Chris. It's logical to me. I'm sorry that she doesn't have anyone, and I'm really sorry Adam fucked her over, but she's getting to the point wherre she deserves what she gets if she's going to keep going back to him. She's really right if she thinks time apart from people helps.

Adam's far too two faced, I don't know why she belives what he says, when she's seen how he lies to people. I just don't understand I suppose. Or maybe I'm just heartless, but if Chris blew me off right now, I would not be volunteering my emotions to him.

Or maybe I would, I've done it before, but he hadn't had the chance to hurt me yet, and maybe I belive in him too much, but I think I can trust him.

Just because your love doesn't last forever, doesn't mean other peoples can't. Sometimes you just have to have faith. Faith is beliveing in something when common sense tells you not to.

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