For Someone With Nothing Of Intrest To Say, I Blab Alot
8:01 am - Wednesday, Jul. 03, 2002

A night without DSL. I had to spend the whole night without DSL.

When I don't have internet I realize just how much time I am online. It's just an automatic thing that when I've gone to my room for the evening, being in front of my computer at one or two (or 60 or 70) points becomes becomes automatic. I've been trained. Ahhh!

For some God awful reason I am listening to morning talk radio. They're discussing American Idol. This is so unfair, I want to get paid rediculous ammounts of money to talk about TV shows. That would be worth watching TV for.

And I could go on and on about Men In Black tomorrow morning (except they don't have to work holidays, or really all that much at all) because that is today's plan. Shelly and I, 11:30 a.m., out front the theater.

I actually have nothing of any intrest to say. I'm listening to "Smooth Criminal", but it's the Alien Ant Farm's version. I think Michael Jakson originals will always be better then the remakes. I don't hold the same obsession for the guy that Adam does though.

Today is going to be one of those days that rocks. Basically because I have to do very little. And I get to do something I've never done before: go up to Vancouver to buy "illegal" fireworks. Because Washington sells the kind that go up into the air, and we're not allowed to have them.

Down in Medford you're not even supposed to have sparklers because of fire danger. I spent a 4th of July down there a few years ago. They upset me highly at one point because they held the fireworks show on the third because the 4th was a Sunday and having a fireworks show would be against the sabbath day.

We did get fireworks though. My uncle had a whole bunch from California. He also had a police scanner on (he's a cop) so he would know if we'd been reported. It was alot of fun for a while, until we found a bottle rocket that had lost it's stick (the thing you stick in the bottles). My uncle, being the intelligent policeman he was, decided just to light it, and throw it in that air, at which point it shot back doewn to the ground and set his step-daughters pants on fire. Always a good way to tell you're new daughter you care.

She was okay luckily. And she still has my *Nsync cd, that bitch...

No, I think I'm over it. I should be getting ready. Then I can see my movie, come back, and ruin it for all of you by mentioning important parts in sneaky slipped in ways. "And talking to her reminded me of the end of MIB2 which was:" Okay, that's just a little too lame, even for me.

I want to go to Ireland.

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