I'll Let Chris Tell This Story Better
7:47 pm - Friday, Jun. 14, 2002

I was late to meet him, because I am almost always late to meet him, and I think my being on time would confuse him. We wandered for a while; got lots of sodas to fight heat induced thirst. Wandered more and more. Talked a lot. Tried to find the comfort zone. We have to rediscover that place every time we hang out. Being with him was great, but the day was fairly uneventful.

Went to Rahnia�s, swam, sat. I refused to let Rahnia offer Chris as someone who would buy everyone food. At 10 pm Rahnia, Chris, and I went downtown to the Roxy. Got food and skyrockets. Italian sodas: 100mg of caffeine per ounce of flavor. Ate, went back to Rahnia�s. 12 am.

Bedtime. Darkness was our privacy. I got to cling to him, draw him as close as possible. Cry against him. Love makes me want to explode. My head, my heart. They�re so full of so many good feelings. Kissed a lot. Asked him to hold me. Fell asleep in his arms.

Woke up against him, completely happy, excited to see him again. Kissed for long amounts of time. �I thought only married couples kissed each other first thing in the morning� he said. I smiled a lot. Playfully tried to get away. Made out. Let our fingers explore each other�s bodies as much as possible. Finger induced orgasms that made me want him to hold me and never let go again. Everything was too hot.

Rahnia left for her plans, Chris and I got ready. He let me use his toothbrush though I thought only married couples used each other�s toothbrushes. I got to sneak in and kiss him while he showered. Told him I liked what I saw.

Took him downtown. We went to Safeway and Subway collecting the day�s food. We rode the Max to the zoo and then went to the rose gardens. Sat in the shade of trees on moist grass and ate. Tossed grapes into our own mouths. Attempted grape tosses to one another the turned more to grape throwing. I lay against him and we talked. Discussed first dates, and old loves.

We walked for a bit talking some more. Chocolate �clair ice cream. Kissed.

Left at 5 for downtown. I suggest sex in the Max tunnel. We both agreed concentrating more on to do or not to do is where we are in our relationship, and not where to do it.

Lay against him on the Max enjoying the comfort I draw from his arms.

Waited for my bus outside the bus station. We had a crappy goodbye, because I�d always rather believe his not going for weeks at a time.

Thought about him all the way home from our good-bye. Refused to listen to any songs besides �Wonderwall� and �Breathing�. I miss him like none other.

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