Liquid Plumer To The Rescue
12:15 am - Thursday, Jun. 13, 2002

I just finished washing my feet off in the sink after one of the most disgusting moments of my dear little life.

It all started when I decided to take a shower. So I dallied along in the shower and sang "Sk8r Boi" from memory, and had myself a jolly good time. Then I got out and noticed the water wasn't draining. So I wrapped up in my towel and grabbed the plunger and decided to be superwoman and save the day.

But it wouldn't drain. And the water kept getting icky. So I got into pajamas, rolled up my pants, a stepped into the shower to plunge some more. I yelled for my dad to come help me.

He came in, stared for a second and said "Megan, that's sewer overflow". It was at this point I screamed, retched, and started furiously scrubbing my feet in the sink while mi papa took over the plunging.

He tried to blame the back up on flushing tampons, because, you know, I often shove my tampons down the shower drain.

My mom got pissed at him for his idiotic accusation and decided to go to the store for liquid plumer. I put on flip flops, took the towel off my head and went with her, just like that.

We went to Safeway, bought some liquid plumer, listend to an overly friendly checker tell us about why she had to buy Drain-o last week and then went back home.

The drain was still plugged up, and my mom's still pissed at my dad. I went to the upsatirs bathroom and scrubbed my feet, again, and tried not to puke, again.

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