How Do I Know Nothing Happend?
11:12 pm - Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002

I don't care if he doens't want me to do this, I don't care if I shouldn't have read this when I found it... I'm posting... and bawling... I fucking hate guys

lately it's been a struggle for my heart between my girlfriend and my best friend. i mean, have you ever had one of those best friends who just start hanging around with more and more, and all of a sudden, there come awkward pauses, shifting eyes going between the person's face and that person's lips. it's strange, and it's not good.

I put absolute trust in him, him being, of course Chris. I thought he just plain loved me. I also thought I was his best friend... funny how that works huh?

I trust people right away, and wait until later to put up gaurds. I never, ever, ever had to put up gaurds with him. When am I going to learn how stupid this is? When will I learn that there's no one out there I can truly trust?

I've never tru;y had a broken heart before... so thanks, Chris, for a first...

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