The Kid I Used To Be
8:02 pm - Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002

I have always held certain adoration for families that play sports together in the front yard. Or basically for those who took advantage of a sunny evening as time to spend out together.

Some of my favorite childhood memories come from times when my family would grab up some KFC and go to the park. Drew and I would practice our soccer and my parents would chill and watch us. We used to be big into sports then.

This is all brought to mind because of my ride back from the store today. I saw this family playing baseball in their front yard. I thought it was one of the greatest things ever. That and the little girl was kicking everyone�s ass with her long hits. She reminded me of me.

I played Little League for a year. And I was one of the better one on the team. Fact: I quit because I was sick of being teased for being a girl playing a boys sport. At first it didn�t bother me, I once wore a skirt to practice and everything. There I was in my yellow baseball jersey, a purple skirt and some of the rattiest tennis shoes ever, holding my baseball mitt, and when the boys teased me, I merely turned around and curtsied, and got back to playing catch.

I had so much more confidence then. Over the years, confidence has faded away from me. I don�t know what I would do in the situation now. It would really depend on my mood. Confidence sways in and out of my life depending on my mood.

I think I need to take up sports again. I�m good at them. I�m one of those people who is good at almost any sport, with the exception of the following:

Hunting/ Fishing (though I can catch a trout)

Being good at something is a major self-esteem boost. And maybe then I can convince my family to grab up the fried chicken and kick the ball around with me.

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